Sweet, Sweetest…Delheim Cheesecake and Edelspatz

Dec 17, 2020

Sweet, Sweetest…Delheim Cheesecake and Edelspatz

Whilst some of you can’t visit us this year to indulge in our famous baked Cheesecake with the view of Table Mountain in the distance, we decided to share your favourite family recipe with you and we hope that you can enjoy this with a glass of Delheim Edelspatz Noble Late Harvest. Prost!


260g Cake Flour

12 Eggs

1.025kg Mascarpone

1.025kg Cottage Cheese

600g Castor Sugar

Tennis Biscuit 2 Packets

300g Butter

1 litre of Cream

¾ Cup Lemon Juice

Vanilla Essence

Step 1

Crumb the tennis biscuit

Add butter to your crumbs  

Use spray on cook in your cake tin or butter your cake tin

Equally spread the crumbs in the base of the cake tin

Step 2

Whisk the eggs and castor sugar together

Mix mascarpone and cottage cheese together

Sift your cake flour into the mascarpone and cottage cheese mix

Add a cup of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence

Add the litre of cream and blend together

Step 3

Bake at 170°C for 1hr and 30 mins

Add your favourite syrup or dressing and pair with a glass of Delheim Edelspatz Noble Late Harvest!